NYC By Eddie Pardovani

NYC By Eddie Pardovani

Monday, August 15, 2011

CREATIVITY 101 (part 2)

1-Write a list of personal reasons why it is so important for you to be creative, to create. Fill this list with as many reasons as you can possibly think of, that are personally important to you. This will be your regular motivational letter to yourself, in times when your output, spirit, and effort is lagging. 2-The best art is your self revelations. Your interactions with others, expressed, provides material to mine into creative images, ideas. This is the art of humanity. 3-Trust the "crap" you crank out; what looks like "garbage" now could, at the very least, lead to a "big" creative idea later. Never throw out "crap"; store them, and see where they might lead, later. Put ALL your ideas in the notebook!

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